QSC 2019
Quantum Simulation & Computation
14-18 October 2019, Madrid, Spain
The Quantum Simulation and Computation 2019 is the seventh iteration of a conference series that started in Benasque in 2011. The conference deals with the short, mid- and long-term goals and applications of quantum simulators and quantum computers, with a strong focus on current and upcoming technologies and state-of-the-art algorithmic developments. Important questions that motivate the conference are
- The utility of NISQ simulators and computers for short-term practical applications, both in fundamental science and industry.
- The implementation and scalability of simulators and computers in different quantum platforms: cold atoms, trapped ions, superconducting circuits, quantum photonics, quantum dots..
- Advances in quantum software, from new algorithms with provable quantum advantages, to quantum-inspired classical methods.
We will discuss these and other topics together with leading figures in experiments and theory, who will showcase the state-of-the-art in the field and provide us with an outlook for the near- and long-term future.
October 14-18, 2019
ICMAT-CSIC, Cantoblanco Univ. Campus, Madrid
Local organisers
- David Pérez-García (ICMAT & UCM)
- Juan José García Ripoll (IFF-CSIC)
- Enrique Rico (UPV-EHU & Ikerbasque)
- Germán Sierra (IFT-CSIC)
Scientific committee
- Ignacio Cirac (MPQ)
- Barbara Kraus (Univ. Innsbruck)
- Jose Ignacio Latorre (UB)
- Enrique Solano (UPV/EHU & Shanghai Univ.)
- Leticia Tarruell (ICFO)
Invited speakers
- Dorit Aharonov (Hebrew Univ.)
- Alberto Amo (CNRS)
- Juani Bermejo-Vega (Frei Univ. Berlin)
- Sergio Boixo (Google)
- Fernando Brandao (Caltech)
- Sergey Bravyi (IBM)
- Jorge Casanova (UPV/EHU & Ikerbasque)
- Frank Deppe (Walther Meissner Inst.)
- Jens Eisert (Freie Univ. Berlin)
- Tilman Esslinger (ETHZ)
- Stefan Filipp (IBM Zurich)
- Pol Forn-Díaz (IFAE)
- Cornelius Hempel (Univ. Sydney)
- Jonathan Home (ETHZ)
- Stephen Jordan (Microsoft)
- Miguel Angel Martín-Delgado (UCM)
- John Martinis (Google)
- Cristiane de Morais (Utreht Univ.)
- Guido Pagano (Univ. Maryland)
- Christopher Savoie (Zapata Computing)
- Philipp Schindler (Univ. Innsbruck)
- Kristan Temme (IBM)
- Lieven Vandersypen (QuTech)
- Andreas Wallraff (ETHZ)
- Frank Wilhelm-Mauch (Saarland Univ.)
General information
In addition of the invited talks, there will be room for both contributed talks and posters, as well as a round table. You can submit contributions here.
The conference fee of 150€ will cover general expenses and a conference dinner, and will be paid by all participants. Accommodation and meals will be handled by the participants.
- March 2019, call for papers
- June 2019, announcement of acceptance of contributions and registration
- August 2019, closing of general application